Ver Soul Of God. But the leadership is not the dominating external constraint of a slaveholder. On the other hand, God's soul can delight and be well pleased.
He wants us whole - spirit, soul and body. And God saw that it was good. Soul (as related words like spirit, flesh, and heart) is a complex word that is used in numerous ways in the Bible.
I know that He will always show me what I must sacrifice, and by obeying Him, I live as a spiritual Christian who lets the word of God divide soul and spirit.
Bailey's The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, with's synthesis and interpretation in gold.
Traducianism is the theory that a soul is generated by the physical parents along with the physical body. All of these are responses to certain people or actions. Yes, God has a soul. "By the soul is meant the life of God, that is to say, the very essence of God itself." In other words, God has a soul and that soul is God, since everything in God is God.