Veryfitpro App Qr Code. Play or scan the QR codes below to download. This QR code reader app free is granted.
VeryFitPro App is a very good app designed for the purpose of basic health care checks and monitoring. For iOS, this takes you to the VeryFitPro app, which is a free. Setting up Your Watch Charging your watch Please fully charge your watch before initial use.
For iOS, this takes you to the VeryFitPro app, which is a free.
Use the watch with our customized VeryFitPro app..
Scan the QR code below or download VeryFitPro app through your mobile app store to pair with the watch. Use a QR scanner to search for the "VeryFitPro" APP in the APP store or Google Play. VeryFitPro How to Restore Factory Defaults Make sure the device is connected with app, go in the app, enter "Mine-SystemSetting" and choose "Reboot Device".