Ver Cpu Solaris. But normally prstat command display all jobs and using process. but how to find out per cpu load. In that case use the kstat command to find the physical CPUs.
The dynamic resource pools comes in extremely useful when you have a variable load on zones and you want to dynamically change the resource allocation to these zones. In the opposite case Oracle Solaris can remove CPUs from the processor set This book guides you through planning the installation or upgrade of the Solaris operating system when using any installation program. Finding physical/logical CPUs To find the number of physical CPUs on any system use the -p option with psrinfo command.
CPU patchsets are archived and are always available via MOS at later dates so that customers can easily align to their desired CPU baseline at any time.
The dynamic resource pools comes in extremely useful when you have a variable load on zones and you want to dynamically change the resource allocation to these zones.
Linux and Solaris having a different set of command line command to use. In the opposite case Oracle Solaris can remove CPUs from the processor set This book guides you through planning the installation or upgrade of the Solaris operating system when using any installation program. These are UNIX-like systems having similarity in virtual memory, process, kernels, paging, system calls, buffer, cache, multiprocessor support, CPU scheduling and support, resource controls, mapped files etc.