Teeth Ver Treatment. There are many ways you can treat your sensitive teeth at home before having to visit a dentist. Teeth straightening is a cosmetic dental treatment, so it is not generally available through the NHS.
Read about teeth grinding in children and what it means when you grind your teeth at night while you sleep. Learn how to stop teeth grinding and how mouth guards can help protect teeth. With the exception of teeth whitening, implants and veneers, the treatments on this page are usually available on the NHS.
Sensitive teeth are typically the result of worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots.
If the gap is small; veneers that are just a little bit wider than the natural teeth could be used to cover the gap.
There are many ways you can treat your sensitive teeth at home before having to visit a dentist. The absence of pain is not necessarily an indication that all is well with your teeth and. Teeth are covered in a hard, outer coating called enamel.