Va A Ver Avatar 2. Starring: Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang and others. Excitement has been drumming up with Disne.
Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), un ex-marine condenado a vivir en una silla de ruedas, sigue siendo, a pesar de ello, un auténtico guerrero. Excitement has been drumming up with Disne. AVATAR Crysis Mod has often been Cryticised for its enormous lack of performance.
AVATAR Crysis Mod has often been Cryticised for its enormous lack of performance.
Starring: Zoe Saldana, Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver and others.
Sequel del film di James Cameron, che stando a quanto anticipato dal regista, sarà ambientato probabilmente nell'oceano di. This sequel will further explore the relationship between the Na'vi and the humans that have interrupted their peaceful existence. Starring: Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang and others.