Over The Course Of La Llorona. He runs back to the car and wakes Sam up. It is an adaptation of an old story from Mexican folklore that has seen many film adaptations.
He briefly sees La Llorona's reflection in the mirror before she starts. Unfortunately, they are soon possessed by the hideously spectral La Llorona and drowned in the river. The legend of La Llorona (pronounced "LAH yoh ROH nah"), Spanish for the Weeping Woman, has been a part of Hispanic culture in the Southwest since the days of the conquistadores.
What makes this film different from the others is its relatively large budget and the fact it is part of the Conjuring universe, though connected only remotely.
It is an adaptation of an old story from Mexican folklore that has seen many film adaptations.
Multiple variations exist, as is common in oral tradition. Of course Anna and the other authorities, including her late husband's erstwhile partner Cooper (Sean Patrick Thomas), disagree, and take the boys into protective custody. With Linda Cardellini, Raymond Cruz, Patricia Velasquez, Marisol Ramirez.